Meet the Tester: Katie


From catastrophe modelling (yikes!) to software testing via TestBash Germany – meet our colleague Katie!

Name: Katie Krippendorf

Job title: Software Test Consultant

Joined QualityMinds in… 2018

When I was younger, I wanted to become a… schoolteacher

Education: I studied Mathematics at the University of Kent in Canterbury and then I completed my Master’s in Mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

I worked in the Catastrophe Modelling industry in London for a few years after uni and then I started my career in software testing at a company in Cambridge, focusing on European gas management.

5 years later, I moved to Oxford with my family and joined a motion capture company as a test engineer working with software and hardware applications used by the medical industry for gait analysis.

Then the big move to Munich arrived and I was fortunate to get to know some of the amazing Minds at a TestBash a week after arriving.

Since then, I have continued to learn and develop at QualityMinds… through discussions with colleagues, working part-time on various projects, participating in workshops, receiving the ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst certification, having German lessons, and so much more!

Current project: I just finished working on a very interesting project on climate change called SCIARA. The purpose of the application is to enable users to explore and understand possible climate futures.

I have now started on a new project at a worldwide healthcare company as a technical writer.

Favorite quote: “Do what you like. Like what you do” (from “Life is good”).

Hobbies: I love to do arts & crafts, and lots of outdoor activities with my two children.


written by

Iza Wilkosz