We are an agile organization with a focus on delivering high quality in IT projects. Our greatest strength and value are our people. We believe that the best results are achieved through passion and positive energy.
The DevOps Team is not an afterthought in our company. Your work will have a significant impact on the product and the way all QualityMinds teams operate. Our focus is on automating the processes of Continuous Integration & Deployment, as well as creating monitoring and alerts for processes and environments.
Depending on the needs, we use Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Ansible, Rancher, and more.
Our Team is growing rapidly. We are now looking for new tech talents to join us. Are you the one? Join the crew and become our next DevOps Engineer!
Your main responsibilities for this position will be:
- helping us on our journey of automating everything,
- implementing automation tools for deployment, orchestration, and test needs,
- creating technical architecture based on multiple clusters of Kubernetes Container technology,
- designing, building, and maintaining virtualized infrastructure for various projects,
- developing and maintaining Continuous Integration/Delivery frameworks,
- day by day implementation & maintenance of CI/CD pipelines,
- supporting other team members with DevOps expertise,
- mentoring less experienced team members,
- demonstrating a strong sense of ownership and accountability for progress,
- participating in the requirement discussion meetings, providing feedback on inconsistencies.
This offer will be a perfect match for you if you have:
- 5 years of professional IT experience,
- at least 3-years’ experience as DevOps Engineer with a focus on Kubernetes Clusters,
- an agile, systematic problem-solving approach, coupled with strong interpersonal skills,
- strong experience in the management of applications that operate on orchestration platforms (Kubernetes, Rancher),
- knowledge how to build and operate Docker containers (architecture, construction, and optimization),
- knowledge of processes and tools used for CI/CD implementation (especially Jenkins and GitLab),
- comfort to administer Linux OS (preferably RHEL/CentOS),
- experience in building and deploying containerized applications,
- knowledge of Ansible (used to create, maintain and run Ansible playbooks),
- experience in building and maintenance of production systems based on microservices and distributed systems architecture at scale,
- experience in the development of enterprise solutions using any high-level programming language (Python/Java/Go),
- good understanding of the network paradigms and stacks available,
- broad knowledge of IT Infrastructure automation in general,
- communicative English (at least B2).
Nice to have:
- BSc in Computer Science or related field,
- Experience in building enterprise solutions using any programming high-level language (Python/Java) and writing automation scripts using Bash
- Experience with automation/configuration management such as Chef or Terraform
- Knowledge of cluster backup and restore tools like Velero
- Experience in work with tools like Prometheus, Grafana or Graylog,
- Experience in setting up large scale ElasticSearch clusters,
- Experience in software building tools (especially Gradle or Maven)
- German B1/B2
- Fully remotely or in-house work at our office in Warsaw
- Contract of employment or B2B contract
- Flexible working schedule
- Medical care (LuxMed)
- Multisport
- Self-development opportunities
- Internal & External trainings
- Certification opportunities
- English conversations with native speakers
- International teams and projects
16 800 – 25 200 PLN net/month – B2B
For more information click here to visit QualityMinds website.
Informujemy, że administratorem danych jest QualityMinds Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Twarda 18 (dalej jako “administrator”). Masz prawo do żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, a także prawo do przenoszenia danych oraz wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Dane osobowe przetwarzane będą w celu realizacji procesu rekrutacji. Podanie danych w zakresie wynikającym z ustawy z dnia 26 czerwca 1974 r. Kodeks pracy jest obowiązkowe. W pozostałym zakresie podanie danych jest dobrowolne. Odmowa podania danych obowiązkowych może skutkować brakiem możliwości przeprowadzenia procesu rekrutacji. Administrator przetwarza dane obowiązkowe na podstawie ciążącego na nim obowiązku prawnego, zaś w zakresie danych dodatkowych podstawą przetwarzania jest zgoda. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane do czasu zakończenia postępowania rekrutacyjnego i przez okres możliwości dochodzenia ewentualnych roszczeń, a w przypadku wyrażenia zgody na udział w przyszłych postępowaniach rekrutacyjnych – do czasu wycofania tej zgody. Zgoda na przetwarzanie danych osobowych może zostać wycofana w dowolnym momencie. Dane osobowe mogą zostać powierzone podmiotom przetwarzającym, które świadczą usługi na rzecz Administratora danych.