Adventurer, physicist, data scientist and a true woman of the world – meet Namrata, member of our R&D crew!
Name: Namrata Gurung
Job title: Data Scientist
Joined QualityMinds in… July 2021
When I was younger, I wanted to become a… a pilot, traveler, explorer, scientist, and an artist
Education: I hail from India, which is where I did my BSc. (H) in Physics from University of Delhi. After which, I completed my Masters in Physics from University of Stuttgart and Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany. Thereafter, I moved to Switzerland for Ph.D. in Physics from ETH Zürich and Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, which I completed just last year. I continued with specialization in data science during 3-months full-time immersive bootcamp at Propulsion Academy, Zurich along with an internship at Thomson Reuters Labs where I focused on NLP (Natural Language Processing). I recently finished my Postdoc in NLP (Natural Language Processing) at Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland, focused on creating an inclusive language for job ads.
Current project: Data Science and Machine Learning Projects of KI-Absicherung and Attention, as part of the R&D Team at QualityMinds.
Favorite quote: “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
Hobbies: Participating in hackathons, working on social-impact-tech projects, trying out adrenaline activities like bungee-jumping, skydiving, lake-crossing, wakeboarding, and more.
Fun Fact: I like collecting coins, I love underwater meditation, my native land is Darjeeling (yes, where the best tea comes from ;)), and I try to keep my website updated:
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