Meet the Tester: Felix


The “Meet the Tester” series introduces the people behind QualityMinds testing teams. Felix wanted to become a stay-at-home dad as a kid but he ended up as a senior test automation engineer. Guess it’s an OK job as well 

Name: Felix Tensing

Job title: Senior Test Automation Engineer

Joined QualityMinds in… 2021

When I was younger, I wanted to become a… stay-at-home dad


I got a diploma in management assistance in IT systems (IT-System-Kaufmann) and later graduated with a Bachelor degree in Business Informatics (Wirtschaftsinformatik) and a Master in Computer Science at the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg.

Current project:

In my first project at QualityMinds I’m working for a big company in the public sector. My team will rework, modernize and digitalize the international workflow.

Favorite quote:

“Witzig oder nicht witzig… Alles andere sind doch bürgerliche Kategorien.”


At the moment my two kids (9 and 6-years-old), biking, hiking and nature in general.

Fun Fact:

I have a dual German and Finnish citizenship. My Finnish is stuck at the level of a 10-year-old, so please don’t try to discuss politics in Finnish with me.

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Felix Tensing

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Iza Wilkosz