Meet the Dev: Martin

Meet the Dev: Martin

A biochemist working in our development team – how did that happen? Let us introduce you to Martin! Name: Martin Schmidt Job title: Software Engineer Joined QualityMinds in… February, 2020 right at the beginning of the pandemic When I was younger,...
Meet the Dev: Ralph

Meet the Dev: Ralph

Meet a member of our agile development team who can find a suitable “The Simpsons” quote for every occasion – Ralph! Name: Ralph Reithmeier Job title: Software Engineer Joined QualityMinds in… February 2019 When I was younger, I wanted to...
Testautomatisierung bei QualityMinds

Testautomatisierung bei QualityMinds

Wie gelingt dein Quereinstieg in die Testautomatisierung? Katja Meyer und Nicole Schwarz von QualityMinds erklären im Ohrbeit Jobcast u.a.: in welchem Projektumfeld sie sich bewegen und was für deinen (Quer)einstieg bei QualityMinds nötig ist: Wie dein Quereinstieg in...