Agile Coaching
Agile support
You want to start your journey and gradually make your organisation more agile? Your company has already managed to implement some agile working methods, and now you plan to extend agile mindset to the entire department or organization? You need support in scaling your applied agile frameworks? You want to make your leadership more agile? Our Agile Coaches are happy to support you with all these questions and especially with the practical implementation of your plans.

Set off to new shores: transforming your company in an agile way
Our Agile Coaches help organisations – both individual teams and management – to find their way towards agile working and to walk it together.
“Agile Leadership” and “Agile@Scale” are common issues that we not only deal with in the form of workshops, but also offer support as guides in the transformation of your teams towards agility.
We are familiar with the common scaling frameworks such as LeSS, SAFe or Nexus and always keep an eye on the individual employees in order to bring everyone along in the new forms of collaboration.
Agile Coaching
Our Agile Coaches set out on a journey with you: off to new shores and a more agile form of organisation in your company!

Sustainable agile transformation through agile coaching
Our Agile Coaches help organisations – both individual teams and management – to find their way towards agile working and to walk it together.
“Agile Leadership” and “Agile@Scale” are common issues that we not only deal with in the form of workshops, but also offer support as guides in the transformation of your teams towards agility.
We are familiar with the common scaling frameworks such as LeSS, SAFe or Nexus and always keep an eye on the individual employees in order to bring everyone along in the new forms of collaboration.

Agile Leadership Workshop
Are you a management team that would like to rethink leadership and, above all, make it more agile?
You want to know what agile leadership actually means and develop a common understanding of it?
In this one-day workshop, you will not only find out how to anticipate expectations from your teams as a leader, but also learn strategies to better respond to them. In addition, you will gain valuable insights into practical experiences in the areas of Managing Tasks and Leadership Styles, which you can try out and evaluate for yourself in practical exercises.
Are you interested in running an Agile Leadership Workshop in your organisation? Or would you like to exchange ideas with leaders from other companies on this topic in such a workshop? Contact us and we will find the right workshop for you.