We look forward to welcoming you soon to the Business Agility Nürnberg on April 25 at the premises (or better: adventure playground for IT enthusiasts) of our host CodeCamp:N! The Business Agility Nuremberg (BAN) is a mixture of a conference and an open space for the agile community of Nuremberg. Organizer of this event is the accredited Kanban & Scrum trainer Dr. York Roessler and Agile Coach Holger Lotter, QualityMinds is sponsor & speaker. We are already looking forward to a varied program.
Business Agility Nürnberg
The BAN combines a classic conference with the dynamic interaction possibilities of an open space that can be co-designed. Participants have the opportunity to try out agile simulations, games and coaching sessions. A get-together evening offers the opportunity to network, exchange ideas, gain new inspiration and simply have a laugh together.
The aim of Business Agility Nuremberg is to discover agility in all its diversity. Agility works in software development but can also be applied in all other (non-IT) areas. On the other hand, there is room at BAN for both agility at team level and scaled forms of agility. The aim is to present agility as an approach for the entire company (business agility), away from buzzwords and clichés.
💡 16 interesting speaker sessions, including from our Team Lead Team Agile, Daniel Dorsch. He is passionate about the question of how people can work together in the most meaningful way to create something great and unique.
🛠️ Agile consultation hours to discuss your agile challenges individually
🎮 Agile Games Corner
✨ Get-together evening to exchange ideas, network and have fun!
Tickets & Infos
Tickets are sold via the website Eventbrite. Tickets are sold exclusively online.
Get your ticket here:
👉 https://www.eventbrite.de/e/bussiness-agility-nurnberg-tickets-763809734477
All information:
👉 https://business-agility-nbg.de/
👉 https://www.linkedin.com/events/businessagilityn-rnberg7143939999858638848/comments/
We are looking forward to seeing you!