Let’s Test: Testing Tours

Let’s Test: Testing Tours

Testing Tours As you may have already noticed, our test team introduced a biweekly “Let’s Test Session” during which all interested parties discuss and try out various testing methods in practice. Recently, we hosted another interesting session and...
Challenges for the public sector

Challenges for the public sector

As QualityMinds, we love to attend various community events. Whereas in the last years we mainly went to technical conferences and meetups (in the areas of testing, software engineering, artificial intelligence or learning), this year we decided to get to know and...
Let’s Test: Testing Tours

Let’s Test: Risk Storming

Risk Storming As you may have noticed in our QualityHeroes podcast, we have introduced a bi-weekly “Let’s Test Sessions” in our testing team. During the sessions the team members interested in expanding and sharing their knowledge present well-known...
QualityMinds opens a new office in Berlin

QualityMinds opens a new office in Berlin

QualityMinds is growing! Since some of our Minds live in Berlin, we wanted to give them the opportunity to work together and be able to meet our customers on site. That is why we decided on opening a new location in the German capital city. Our office is situated just...
Diversity Charter

Diversity Charter

Great minds think diverse – we have signed the Diversity Charter (Charta der Vielfalt)! We are convinced that lived diversity and appreciation promotes the creativity of teams and the ability to innovate. Since founding QualityMinds in 2012, we have been...
10 years of QualityMinds

10 years of QualityMinds

WOW! What a party that was! Our jubilee celebration on September 24th 2022 was amazing! With many big and small highlights, wonderful music, tasty food and the best guests: our Minds, customers and partners together with their families celebrated in Nuremberg. After a...